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Photo from Nov 17, 2011.jpg

To our guests, whatever brings you to our web-page, WELCOME! We are just getting started with this format; it is not what it will be in a few days. But, look around, get a glimpse of who we are, where we have been, and where we are going.  Soon we will discuss the Scriptures which are the sure foundation on which we STAND.  Further, we will share the implications of this faith we have in our Awesome God who enables those who practice His principles to achieve significant life-impacting stuff.

Whatever is happening with you and those you care about today, Emmanuel's hope is that you definitely see that nothing is impossible to you, NOTHING, as long as you stand in and on and through Him.

To members of Emmanuel, The Goodness’s of God challenge us to be faithful to Him and His work. Let’s consider two “MUST” areas—the salvation of sinners and the maturity of believers. Emmanuel must keep faithful to Jesus’ command to witness to the lost. We must utilize every/any means to tell the story of Jesus’ Love. Success of those we care about, as well as many people we do not know, depends on their acknowledging and accepting the love of God through Jesus Christ. Acknowledging and accepting His love impacts their present life and determines their eternal destiny. We, therefore, must get our part right for those who do not yet know His love.


Further, Emmanuel must keep faithful to Jesus’ command to grow believers. We must challenge every believer to know the Scriptures that they can use spiritual principles and practices as they walk which will enable them to discern the difference between what is of God and that which is not (Hebrews 5:11-13). We must get our part right so we do all we can to guarantee spiritual growth—that of ourselves and other believers.


Many other concerns will occupy our thinking and doing, but all must be related to these two critical focuses. Let me say it once again:


Emmanuel seeks to make known the love of Jesus and to challenge and assist believers to grow. 


I challenge each one of you to get involved in the area of your spiritual gift(s).

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